Monday, May 21, 2007

High Demand

Here I am on the computer at 8:30 on a holiday Monday!?
There is now extremely high demand for the computer by each member of our family with much jockeying for computer time.

Why you might ask?

Steve has been loading songs to his new Ipod and has learned how to burn documents to CD and so is using it much more than usual.

Brittany received SIMS 2 for her birthday along with a Webkinz and also likes to play on Runescape so she is using it more than usual.

Brianne is using it for homework as well as MSN and Habbo Hotel so is using it as much as usual.

But this morning, Steve is golfing, Brianne is at work and Britt is sleeping, so what better thing to do than to enjoy a cup of coffee and update my blog! Oh and do a load of laundry or two!!

1 comment:

Rosemary said...

Love your new look on the blog and thanks for the top on putting a picture in the title.