But seriously,as I considered what my resolutions for 2010 I took a look back at what they were for 2009 and 2008.
2009 Resolutions
2009 will be the year of organization. From organizing my scrapbook pages, to my scrapbook room, papers, online photo files,the girls keepsakes, to the garage, furnace room, closets, my clothing and kitchen, it will all be organized!
And one other resolution, ok maybe two, to keep up with my healthful eating and exercising and craft more(maybe that was 3)!
2008 Resolutions
Eat more healthfully(and lose weight in the process).
Go to Curves at least two times per week(I've gone twice since Christmas!).
Add journalling and file my scrapbook pages as I go rather than letting them pile up(this means clearing the back log from 2007!).
Hmmm, I didn't do so well with the organizing resolution. I have been keeping up with my healthy eating and regular exercise. And I have almost added all the journalling to my back log of pages( a holdover from 2008!).
So looking forward my 2010 goals seem to be the same, get organized/declutter, maintain my weight(and lose a few pounds I've put on), continue to go to Curves at least twice a week and perhaps hit the treadmill more regularly too.
And last but not least, I'm sure I'm not alone in the amount of scrapbooking materials I've accumulated over the years, so another goal will be to sort through and purge, use what I have and not buy something new unless I absolutely love i!
And now, what about you? What are your resolutions?

Wow, good resolutions.
For myself no resolutions except maybe play more.
Amazingly similar!!
Brenda in Kit
Good luck with your resolutions! Mine are to post more on my blog and craft more often, we'll see how it goes. :)
My motto "no years resolutions". I
think that you continuing to go to Curves is awesome ... I would have given that up a long time ago! Don't forget that you designed/created a wonderful scrapbook room too! j
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