Friday, July 03, 2009

Show and Tell Friday

I've been meaning to participate in Show and Tell Friday hosted by Kelli for a little while now.

I finally had a chance to hang some plates my Mom gave me and I love them. Thanks so much Mom

They are bone china by Royal Albert and called Shakespeare's Flowers. Each has a different name with a Shakespearian quote on the back.

This one is called Meadows with Delight. "This bud of love, by summer's ripening breath,may prove a beauteous flower when we next meet." Romeo and Juliet

Next is Primose Beds. "To his music plants and flowers, Ever sprung: as sun and showers.They had made a lasting spring." Henry VIII

Here's Glorious Morning. " Full many a glorious morning I have seen. Flatter the mountain-tops with sovereign eye. Kissing with golden face the meadows green. Gilding pale streams with heavenly alchemy." Sonnet

And finally, here is Russet Mantle. " Three beauteous springs to yellow autumn turned. In process of the season I have seen." Sonnet

I hope you enjoyed this little trip in Shakespeare's garden!


Rosemary said...

You are most welcome , they are lovely plates

Gee said...

Hi Rosanne.

Thanks for stopping by. Your wall plates are pretty.

Unknown said...

These are so elegant! I love the soft palettes and painting style...and enhanced by the verses by Shakespeare! What a treasure from your mom!

Ingrid said...

Looks very delicate and beautiful !

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

ahhhhh.. lovely plates.. i love them all.. so pretty!

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Your plates are lovely. I like the way they are displayed in the first photo.


Deanna said...

They are gorgeous Rosanne and what a neat idea for a challenge blog! I must check it out!

Carla said...

Lovely plates, I'm really loving your stands, I think we have the same wall rack:)

arkie said...

Love your plates!

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Rosanna...thanks for visiting with me. I hope your 4th of July is going great! Your plates are lovely and I can see from your flowers why your mom picked those!!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely gift to get from your mom ... very pretty. j

Elaine said...

These are exquisite! I love the way you have them displayed. They make me think how much I would like to have an English cottage garden. Thank you for sharing them!