Here's her list:
[ ] Have lunch out with Mom.
[x] Go to Starbucks for a frappucino.Done!
[ ] Go camping with Dad.
[ ] Go to Grand Bend.
[ ] Go shopping in Buffalo.
[ ] Go to Toronto.
[ ] Go to the movies.
[ ] Go fishing.
[ ] Make homemade pizza.
[x] Go to Chapters. Done! Brittany bought herself 4 great books to read.
[ ] Make applesauce.
[ ] Go to Wonderland.
[ ] Play board games.
[ ] Go to a baseball game.
[x] Make rhubarb/strawberry dessert . Done, we made a crisp!
[ ] Visit Gramma.
[ ] Go to the zoo.
[x] Pick strawberries. Done, on Canada day!
[ ] Go shopping.
[ ] Go to a play in Stratford.
We'll have to continue to track how we do on this list throughout the summer!
There are many things on this list that I'd like to do too!!!
What a great idea to make a list like that!
(-: Heidi
I like the things which include Mom & Dad. Since my mom is coming in three weeks, I will be thinking of things to do with her too!! You're a nice person Brittany!!
Brenda in Kit
What a great idea! I would do this with my 4 year but I am afraid at this point they would all say go to toys r us or go get ice cream!
What a fab idea! Wish I would have thought of something like this when my girls were younger ... a lot of fun to make the list, a lot of fun to do the things on the list, and a lot of fun to scrapbook the fun. Fun. Fun. Fun. j
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