I've been meaning to post about these sites for awhile and am now finally getting to it.
First is Pinterest. No doubt like me you browse the internet finding all kinds of great inspiration but then forget where you saw a certain idea. You can file links but even then that takes some sorting through to find what you are looking for. With Pinterest, you create an account with 'boards' then as you are browsing you can 'pin' the picture to your board. The great thing about this is then all you do to go back to the site you found the item on is by clicking on the 'pinned' picture. And you can also follow people whose boards you like. Click here to start pinning!
Second is Catalog Living. This is a blog by a comedian who bases comments on the various catalog layouts in terms of the people who live in the catalog. The humour is subtle but amusing, here's an example:

It only took one beer to get Gary to try the old “hat full of apples” gag he was so fond of pulling on Elaine.
Catalogs used include Pottery Barn,Restoration Hardware, West Elm and others.
Well, that's it for today, let me know if you sign up for Pinterest and if you like Catalog Living.
Thanks for stopping by.