This year, I'm really liking geraniums in this plant holder.

As previous years, I've planted my bird bath with impatiens.

The neighbour's tree with wonderful scented blooms that drape over the fence.

The hostas are doing amazingly well.

The last of the peony blooms. Do you see the ant?

Our climbing rose that is OUT OF CONTROL!

Another rose in bloom.

The delicate blooms of an astilbe.

Tiger lilies.

Another pretty rose.

The hydrangeas are just starting to bloom.

As are the shasta daisies.

Our clematis is doing much better with the changes we made to the side garden.

And a shot of our neighbour's clematis.

I love hanging fushia from our linden tree.

And finally a peek at some ornamental grass through the fushia.

I'll be back soon to share photos of my container gardens.
Wowzers Rosanne, your gardens look amazing!! So beautiful!
Holy crow Rosanne! Your garden is amazing! I think you should host a garden social! I love the peonies (one of my fav flowers) your hydrandeas and roses are stunning as well!
Everything is growing so well. The rose is amazing.. everything is!
stunning, i have garden envy!
Everything is gorgeous!!!
What an amazingly beautiful garden. That's how plants tended with love grow! And now I understand even better your gorgeous rosy blog - it really is part of your life too.
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