Although some of us read more often than others and have passed along a huge stack(or several)of books to me to read!
I am currently reading this book:

I love the intrigue and history of Steve Berry's books. I wonder when they will be made into movies?
And I did just finish reading these two books:
Hmm, speaking of intrigue King Henry's court myabe helped to define that word! And I understand that this book will be a movie soon!

And I love this series of books by J.D.Robb(also known as Nora Roberts).

What are you reading?
I have Mercy by Jodi Picoult on my night-table but I haven't picked it up in a few weeks. MUST get back to it.
I am reading Lost Souls by Lisa Jackson, very good mystery.
I am reading "What would Google do?" by Jeff Jarvis
Just got it today.. :)
I am reading the Lost City of Z by David Grann.
Thanks for sharing ladies! More books for me to check out! LOL
I was on a great reading kick for a while and then got busy with other things! I am still trying to finish up a book I started during Lent - He Chose The Nails by Max Lucado.
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