Sunday, March 11, 2007


The girls started March Break this weekend so we decided to rent a bunch of movies!

They both really enjoyed The Illusionist(nominated but no wins)! Marie Antoinette(won for costume design) was a bit of yawn. The Prestige( no awards I think) didn't keep Brittany's attention and did seem to drag. The Departed(won for best picture and director and others) was for Steve and I, the girls didn't watch it. I quite enjoyed The Departed, it had a sense of humour throughout, quite interesting considering how it ends. I would highly recommend The Illusionist and The Departed.

Here's some links in case you want to check them out.

The girls also watched Stranger Than Fiction that Brianne said wasn't very good.

Next I'd like to see The Queen and Dreamgirls to catch up on the Oscar nominated films I haven't seen yet!

I also have Elizabeth I to watch. Its the HBO movie starring Helen Mirren. I'll let you know what I think of it!

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